Post by Saz on Jan 8, 2013 18:37:37 GMT -5
Knight & Zephyr
The partially blind colt stood with his good eye trained upon the rest of his makeshift herd as Zephyr stood beside him, gaze traveling around the river's clearing. "I don't think it's a good idea, Zeph..." The paint spoke softly, voice low and a little gruff as he searched for his brother, worry flowing through him as he couldn't find him. "I need to see him though. He's my father. You'll be fine with this lot, Falcon and Dexter can go look for mares, Pendragon and Oasis can help you protect Lumen and Fable. Hell, Oasis could even go with them to keep an eye on them." The dark stallion replied evenly, turning his gaze to meet that of his friend.
Knight finally relented, "Fine, fine. Go. Before I change my mind. We'll be here." He shook out his long patched mane and rolled his eyes before smiling softly as the dark stallion wheeled around and launched himself off into the trees. His gaze then turned, his ears pricking as unfamiliar voices reached his ears. His curiosity peaked and took a step away from his post to gaze across the river and into the trees, searching for the owners of the voices.
Pendragon & Fable
The young silver bay flattened his ears slightly as Fable moved closer. The filly was always invading his personal space, not learning from his nips and kicks that he wanted her to move away. She seemed a little dim, that or she did it on purpose. He could never quite tell. She annoyed him however, whether on purpose or by accident, he could barely stand to be within a few meters of the filly. Perhaps it was because she was far too similar to himself so they tended to butt heads more often that not. Or perhaps it was just because they were cousins and he felt responsible for her and her actions. Sighing deeply, the silver bay shoved past the smoky black filly and took a deep drink from the waters that flowed through the clearing.
Fable snickered, grinning and cocking a hind hoof as Pendragon moved away from her, knocking into her as he passed. Oh he was always so much fun to annoy, one of the reasons she did it so much. She was also slightly bitter, he was the one who got to stay around his mother, have her raise him until he was a yearling, wheras she was seperated from her own mother at birth, being brought up by a passing mare who wasn't all that lovely or motherly toward her.
Tossing her head, the filly glared at Pendragon's back and turned away, bitterness and anger rising up inside of her. Snorting deeply, the filly lashed her tail and began to rip up blades of grass with a sense of vicious satisfaction whenever she managed to pull it up by the roots. Eventually she got bored of masacaring the grass, and decided she would go for a walk. And without glancing back at the others, she disappeared into the trees.
Dexter & Lumen
The siblings stood comfortably side-by-side. Grey and black, a slim filly and a bulky young stallion. Oh yes, by now they had figured out they weren't truly related, not that it mattered to either of them, in fact, they had grown even closer over the matter. After all, they both had a fierce hatred for the mare who had raised them now, lying to them both for two whole years. And what was worse, was that Charm had been the one to blurt it out in an argument between the twins and her. But for now, they left such a past behind them, sharing a comfortable afternoon nap in the shade as the warmth of the summer sun heated the air around them.
Dexter's ears pricked at the sound of an unfamiliar voice and he shook the sleep from his eyes and ears quickly to stand beside Knight, the slightly older, painted stallion, as a firm back up. They got on quite well, no real disagreements splitting the group for now, though how long the peace would last, no one could be sure. He snorted deeply, arching his neck, his eyes flashing as his muscles rippled in the summer sun. Dexter was two seasons from becoming a stallion, and it only showed slightly, the youngster was well developed, more muscular than some stallions he had seen from a distance or even met. He was broad and solidly built, not to mention from a tough bloodline. Hell, his mother was possibly one of the only mares who had ruled at an almost even reign alongside his father, Cryptic.
Post by Captain Stumpy on Jan 20, 2013 14:46:36 GMT -5
"Wait one must stop for a drink" Said a blonde maned beauty down her nose to the smutty palomino traveling companion. "Sure, sure jus' hurry up" Iki retorted, feeling rather parched herself. The two fillys with only a year between them lowered they're heads to the water, Beau silently drinking whilst Iki slirped and burped. Iki's head was the first to raise, followed by Beau, "Somthing amiss?" Beau asked to Iki, "No, Don't think so" Iki said, that was enough to convince Beau who started drinking again, Iki pricked her ears and continued to listen. Sure she could hear a muffled voise on the breeze. Seeing nothing wrong, Iki lowered her head to the grassy bank and started to graze. Beau took her head from the water, taking notice to check her reflection first. She shook her mane so it laid one side. She took one look of Iki grazing and tutted to herself. Iki took no notice, "Shall we stay here to graze then?" Beau asked. Iki raised her head and nodded. Beau looked disaprovingly at Iki's method of responce.
Post by Saz on Feb 8, 2013 13:10:10 GMT -5
Knight & Dexter
"Relax, Dexter. Only fillies." The painted stallion snorted, eyes locking onto the owners of the voices. He inhaled deeply as the wind blew it toward him, checking they were not accompanied by any stallions before he went and greeted them. The dark stallion flicked his ears back a little, though his gaze locked on directly to the slender chestnut who held herself with an air of royalty and nobility. He grinned a little as Knight moved off toward the two, following him with an easy stride, never one to miss out on an opportunity to seduce a pretty mare.
"Ladies, A lovely day is it not?" He spoke before the painted stallion could, stepping forward and arching his neck a little as he did. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Dexter, son of Cryptic. My companion is Knight. May I ask your name, or shall I just call you beautiful?" He smiled charmingly at Beau, not focusing any attention upon the sooty palomino at all as he attempted to charm the flaxen beauty. Knight rolled his eyes and smiled gently at the sooty palomino, "Please forgive his blatant disreguard for manners, I'm Knight. Who might you be?" He asked kindly, eyes sparkling in the sunlight as it streamed through the leaves above them.
Lumen & Pendragon
The grey filly lifted her head and rolled her eyes at Dexter's actions. He was always chasing after pretty tails, and yet he never seemed to care for them, perhaps it was merely something to keep him occupied whilst they awaited their father's return, or at least Dexter's rise to glory. Shaking her head, the young mare turned away from her brother, moving a little closer to Pendragon in the absence of Knight and her brother.
"You alright, Lumen?" He asked gruffly, flicking his ears forward as she stepped a bit closer than usual, before the absence of Knight, Fable and Dexter caught his attention. He quickly spotted the two other stallions, chatting up two fillies just down the river from them. However it was a mystery as to where Fable had disappeared to. "Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just a little bored, and kinda annoyed at Dexter's blatant disreguard for my safety. Though, maybe it's because he trusts you with me..." She sighed quietly, tossing her silver forlock from her keen, dark eyes and turned her gaze to the silver bay stallion. "Fable wandered off a little while ago, looked pretty grumpy..." She answered his unspoken question without hesitation and the stallion sighed in an exasperated fashion.
"Leave her be, Pendragon. If she wishes to leave the protection that you, Knight and Dexter provide, then who are you to stop her? She barely listens to you, let alone anyone else who would decide to attempt it." The filly snorted, rolling her eyes derisively before moving forward to drink from the river. The silver bay nodded slightly and returned his gaze to the silver filly, as she matured more and more, he became skeptical that Dexter was truly her brother, they were built very differently, not to mention the change in colors too. But he wasn't stupid enough to bring it up in casual conversation, and nor was he really curious enough to ask her about it on a different occasion. If she did bring it up whilst speaking to him, however, then he would gladly listen and sate his mild curiousity.
Post by Captain Stumpy on Mar 6, 2013 14:28:29 GMT -5
Beau chuckled at Dexter's complement on que, "You were so close" Beau said still chuckling rather giddily at the fine young stallion. "My name is Beau" She said smiling warmly at Dexter. Iki's ears flattened naturally as she watched one idiot attract to another. Knights voise took her by suprize, "Me?" She said rather dumbfoundedly. "Iki, or just Ick for short" She said to the wonderfuly marked stallion. Intranced for only the moment Iki turned her head to Beau. "Beau's lost her mother somewere, She's a palomino you havn't seen one about have you?" She asked hastily before any other pleasentrys would be exchanged between her and Knight.
"Oh I've heard Cryptic was a scary Stallion" Beau said, her ladylike mind absent for the moment. "My Aunty Fala used to live with him I think" She said taking a step towards the black colt, her tail rose slightly as she gave him a sniff. Takeing a step back she then noticed the much more colourful stallion talking with Iki, why anyone would want to give that filly the time of day was beond her, She was sure she could catch Mr colourful's attention when she wanted it.
Post by Saz on Mar 15, 2013 10:33:02 GMT -5
"Well, it is most lovely to meet you, Iki." The painted stallion knickered sweetly, smiling gently before glancing to where Dexter was attempting to seduce the flaxen chestnut. "A palomino? No, apart from you, I haven't seen any palominos recently. In fact the only horses I've seen apart from the small group we're with are you two. If you like, you can stay with us for a bit until Beau finds her mother again. There are a few other fillies here so it's not just us boys." He nickered kindly, eyes twinkling in the autumn sunlight before he turned and glanced across at the two other figures that seemed to be what was left of the small herd. "Hmm, Well, it seems we've only got Lumen and Pendragon at the moment. But Zephyr and Oasis should join us eventually. And I'm not sure where Fable disappeared to." The colored stallion raised one shoulder in a vague shrug before motioning toward the two other horses. "Come on, I'll introduce you. Dex and Beau can follow along." He snorted, glancing over his shoulder and briefly catching Beau's eyes with his own before tearing his gaze from hers and moving off to go and introduce Iki to the other members of his small herd.
Dexter grinned charmingly, his ego boosted by this lovely creature fawning over him. He lashed his tail and chuckled deeply, much like Cryptic used to when he was amused by the colt's antics. "Scary? Hmm, I suppose he could be. But only if you annoyed him or gave him any purpose to harm you. Fala? Never heard of her. In any case, I doubt she could be nearly as beautiful as you, dear Beau." He nickered deeply, gently touching his muzzle to hers before he followed her gaze and saw that it was upon Knight. "Oh, that's Knight..." He paused, eyes narrowing before he cleared his throat and watched the colored stallion lead the sooty palomino toward Pendragon and Lumen. "Come, we may as well indulge in Knight's pleasentries. My sister and Pendragon are over there. We might as well say hello, though I'm reluctant to allow anyone else to lay eyes upon such beauty as you, Beau." He smirked in a devilish fashion before sauntering after Knight and Iki.